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25 February 2022


Pentagon UFO Files. On iTunes, Amazon Prime, Google Play & Microsoft

The press release for this documentary feature states: ‘For decades, secrets have been kept from us. Kept from us by the powers that be. After years of silence and secrecy the US government has finally revealed evidence of extraterrestrial life which could shatter our very perception of mankind’s place in the universe.

‘Uncover the shocking truth behind the newly revealed Pentagon UFO files as we go deeper than ever before to scrutinize every detail, with in-depth analysis from scientific and military experts.

‘Join some of Britain’s leading UFO researchers as they dissect the most momentous intelligence failure of our generation.’

It is refreshing to see a UFO documentary that is not burdened by celebrity UFO fans or the usual UFO experts. Here we get Philip Mantle warning that misidentifications do happen and that genuinely unexplained events are rare. Malcolm Robinson agrees that scepticism is vital in studying this subject but is more willing to accept that something strange is going on out there. Jason Gleaves, Paul Ascough, Philip Kinsella and Ronald Kinsella are the additional talking heads who confirm that there is an establishment cover-up and we are being lied to. 

Most of the discussion is about the release of the US Navy videos and the renewed interest in UFOs, sparked by the New York Times article by Helene Cooper, Ralph Blumenthal and Leslie Kean in December 2017, that has led to the formation of a US government office to study UAPs in 2022. This is interspersed with clips of old US Government film clips and a long section featuring a TV interview with Donald Keyhoe, director of NICAP, who believes UFOs are alien visitors.

Contrary to the press release the US government has not ‘revealed evidence of extraterrestrial life’ and the only shocking truth is that despite civilian and government UFO research throughout the world, not just the USA, we are still no nearer to the ‘truth’ than we were in 1947.

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