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23 March 2022


Barry Fitzgerald and Brian Allan, The Deception of Gods and Men: The Price of Power Has Never Been So Great, Flying Disk Press, 2022.

Ghost hunter Barry Fitzgerald and Brain Allan, editor of the online Phenomena Magazine, expertly advance the notion that our interaction with the unknown has shaped and guided the history of humanity.
 This is not a particularly new idea, Kubrick’s science fiction film 2001: A Space Odyssey shows how mysterious monoliths guide human destiny from the Stone Age to the Space Age to re-birth us as spiritual entities of the Universe. And of course, the likes of John Keel and Jacques Vallée have long argued that UFOs and their sneaky pilots are just another manifestation of demonic/controlling forces that in the past appeared as angels, demons and fairies.

The authors show that mystics, shamans, priests, mediums, wizards, abductees, contactees and magicians interact with the same unknown forces that seem to exist in a parallel universe very close to ours. Ancient sacred sites located at hotspots where there are significant positive or negative magnetic anomalies, are where ancient peoples gathered to use chanting and rituals to open portals into other dimensions. Likewise, they note projects like the Scole Experiment have encountered inter-dimensional beings that come from a dimension akin to a voidless waiting room for souls and spirits.

They skillfully weave this material to show this is a continuous phenomenon that as in 2001 shapes human behaviour on an individual level and influences the formation of religions and promotes warfare. ‘They’ the ‘Shining Ones’ and ETs are all the same but wear different masks to trick and control us.

This book pleads that we should open our eyes to the fact that we are not the centre of the universe and that we have to align our triad of soul, spirit and body, otherwise we will be overwhelmed and destroyed by the dark forces that our western science dismisses and ignores. As they say, ‘the more that evolving souls are destroyed and sent back to the void suffering from hurt, fear, and anger, the more it may affect those ultimately returning or wanting to return, based on the primal instincts of revenge and conflict.’

Fair enough, as they say, we should not be blinkered by religious or scientific preconceptions, but like Gordon Creighton who edited Flying Saucer Review into oblivion with his belief in demonic forces, their viewpoint merely creates a New Age driven dogma of conspiracy and a universe composed of a hall of mirrors inside a hall of mirrors. Such an approach leads them to wonder if ‘They’ cannot cope with our ever-expanding world population and have used the ‘blunt instrument’ of wars and pandemics to cull us. Just the sort of sweeping claims that echo Creighton’s claim that AIDs was caused by aliens and gives carte blanche to lazily accuse anything you don’t like as the work of ‘Them’.

There is no room in their hypothesis that the real force behind this phenomena is the product of human imagination, fantasy, psychology and sociology. Ghosts, shadow people and aliens are often experienced due to hallucinations, misperception, sleep paralysis, false memory or they are produced by downright lies, hoaxes and the will to believe in things beyond our ken.

As there are no footnotes or references it would have been useful to have a short bibliography, otherwise this is a very handy and easy to read book that takes us beyond the realms of nuts and bolts ET craft.
  • Nigel Watson

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